Internal Motivation

Internal Motivation

Internal Motivation

By Peter Frisch on Aug 22, 2018 at 10:44 PM in Acting Tidbits

Most actors will agree that motivation is vital if you want to truly commit believably to any spoken line, action or character need. Well, here’s a secret that you won’t learn in most acting classes:

Your motivation to play the Intention is never a variation of the Intention, but rather a pain, fear, panic, hurt, insecurity, or self-doubt that gives a life context to the Intention and then demands that you play it. So if, for example, you want “To eviscerate the bastard,” you’d better get in touch with the pain of losing your murdered sister right before you do the scene. Another example: if you want “To win her over,” you better get in touch with your feelings of being alone and unloved first. Those motivational feelings are created in the emotional preparation (see Section VI: Life Support) right before the scene and almost force you to play the Intention. If you truly NEED to play that intention, you’ll be forever fascinating to watch.


"Thank you for the privilege of being in the room with the benefit of your wealth of knowledge, experience, discernment and creativity. I have been hungry for a good teacher for decades and having found one I can respect and learn from every time I'm in the room, I feel truly blessed. Thanks for allowing me to occupy space in the room in which you are charging the ions!!!”
Laura Birrell, Actress