Be Specific!

Be Specific!

Be Specific!

By Peter Frisch on Aug 22, 2018 at 10:33 PM in Acting Tidbits

Being specific as you explore the text means that you will miss no clues, transitions, or subtext. Being specific with your homework means that you can create powerful, motivating backstories, circumstances and imagery every time. Being specific in your emotional preparation means you can access the character’s emotional life quickly and accurately. Being specific in your scene means that you will look, listen and respond to every moment, that you will be alive in the present! General ideas are the enemy unless they are turned into specific choices utilizing the tools of the craft. There is no magic without specificity!


"He taught more than any other teacher I had . . . is responsible for creating the kind of actor I am today. He taught me how to truly take risks in my work, invest authentically in my characters, and expect nothing but professionalism from myself and my colleagues. Peter’s standards were high and exacting, and as a student, I was thrilled to be held to them. It was the first time I had been treated like an actor, not just as a student. The method that Peter taught is still one that I use today – he gave me the tools to access, emotionally and intellectually, very dense material. He allowed me to see that with every character, every piece there is always a way that is deeper and truer than you first imagine.”
Julianne Moore, Actress