Film and OCLD (Obsessive-Compulsive Line Disorder)

Film and OCLD (Obsessive-Compulsive Line Disorder)

Film and OCLD (Obsessive-Compulsive Line Disorder)

By Peter Frisch on Aug 22, 2018 at 10:32 PM in Acting Tidbits

Actors are always worried about their lines: How many, what inflection, what word to emphasize, picking up cues. But in film, it's not the lines that we care about, it's the transitions, the reaction shots, the moments before and after the lines. The important moments in film are all BETWEEN the lines - that's what draws us in, that's what creates suspense. Will he cry or won't she? Will he just sit there, or will he erupt? Will she say "yes," or will she say "no?" And great actors know exactly how long to milk these heightened silences. Lines? Sure, learn them, but it's how interesting you are in those silences that count – especially on camera.


“The experience that Peter facilitated for all of us became a foundation for my acting and personal growth in a very profound way. It was magical and quite revolutionary, and having worked with Peter in many other classes since then, I am not surprised any more. Everything that Peter does has a touch of magic and I am profoundly grateful for having the privilege to experience it."
Olga Yahontova, Actress