When Does the Actor Become An Artist

When Does the Actor Become An Artist

When Does the Actor Become An Artist

By Peter Frisch on Aug 22, 2018 at 10:39 PM in Acting Tidbits
  • When that actor develops an ongoing curiosity about the ways of the world and its human inhabitants.
  • When that actor is steeped in understanding through psychology, and absorbs alternate world views through philosophy.
  • When that actor discovers the connection between movements in the arts and the historical and cultural environments that spawned those movements.
  • When that actor has something to say about the human condition and a need to communicate same.

So leave behind your routines just occasionally: put down the trades, stop checking your voicemail, take a pass on a commercial audition. Yes, skip a casting director workshop and instead, visit a museum, the Symphony, take a class about Joyce (James, that is). Spend a week in San Francisco, Santa Fe or Nantucket. Get out of yourself and indulge in a life’s finer treasures.


"You are a shining example of everything a teacher should be; inspired and inspiring, positive, challenging, interested, supportive, unbelievably skilled, intelligent and talented at what you are teaching us, and maybe the most important thing, you seem to love it! We are all so fortunate to have you turn your light on us, sweep us up into your beam, and inspire and help us in all the ways that you do. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
Elizabeth Cross, Actress